
Last updated: January 24, 2023

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CEO and Founder of CivilSalt LLC, a conglomerate which is geared at raising a generation of determined citizens, with engagement in technology involving; Automation and Renewable Energy.

"I believe in an era where technology can be integrated in all the various aspects that builds up our economy, and I am working tirelessly to ensure that CivilSalt contributes to the establishment of that era" - Chuye Titus Ndi.

Popularly known as Titus N. An investor in human assets, commodities and digital assets.
Studied Computer Engineering, with expertise as a Software Engineer. An Entrepreneur, a Remote Work Advocate, Tech Evangelist/Speaker, Empower Innovators.

Talks about;

A strong advocate of collaboration with other organizations, and goes by the saying;
One mind can change the world, but two can make it a better place.

With love, CivilSalt.